Friday, November 12, 2010

Glycemic Index

As a diabetic it is important for you to understand what glycemic index (GI) is and what kinds of foods would be beneficial to you. GI relates the impact of food on the rate of release of glucose into your blood stream. Foods are considered either having a high, medium, or low GI. It is best to consume more foods that have a low to medium GI. Foods that have a high GI are broken down faster in the body and have a fast, high release of glucose in your blood; whereas low GI foods take longer to break down in the body and have a slower release of glucose in the blood. When calculating the GI, white bread or glucose are used; their GI is 100.

Examples of several but not all foods at the different levels:
Foods with LOW GI (55 or less):
Rolled oats
Non-starchy vegetables
100% stone-ground whole wheat or pumpernickel bread

Foods with MEDIUM GI (56-69)
Whole wheat
Brown rice

Foods with HIGH GI (70+)
Instant oatmeal
White bread 

*The American Diabetes Association has much more information if you are interested. Their link can be found at the bottom of my page.*

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